Pilot WP now on Panasonic, powered by Redge Media

Pilot WP is now available on Panasonic connected TVs, expanding its presence on the big screen. The service has been deployed on the Redge Media platform.

Pilot WP, the most popular online pay TV (vMVPD) service in Poland, is now available on Panasonic connected TVs, expanding its presence on the big screen. The service has been deployed on the Redge Media platform.

Pilot WP is Poland’s most popular platform for streaming traditional TV online. With an extensive line-up of over 100 TV channels, Pilot WP offers an unparalleled viewing experience. Users have access to a wide range of content, including live sports and exciting MMA fights. The platform features an impressive line-up of channels across a variety of genres, including general entertainment, news, movies, sports and children’s programming.

Powered by the Redge Media Service Delivery Platform, the Pilot WP deployment includes a variety of applications across web browsers, Android and iOS platforms, and a wide range of televisions. Pilot WP is available on connected TVs from leading brands, including LG, Samsung, Vestel, and the recently added Panasonic, expanding the range of compatible devices. On the Redge Media Video Delivery Platform side, services include encoders, Origin for VOD and Live, multi-DRM and CDN to handle peaks in traffic.

Redge Media’s Panasonic TV application for Pilot WP offers a number of practical features. These include an easy-to-use backward EPG to browse channel programmes, and timeshift functionality to pause, resume and rewind live broadcasts. Most importantly, it provides convenient access to popular TV channels and a vast video library on the Pilot WP platform.

“Our steadfast dedication to the development of Pilot WP since 2021 demonstrates our commitment to comprehending and addressing our customers’ evolving requirements. We have provided Pilot WP users with an unparalleled TV app experience, including live channels, timeshift, backward EPG and additional VOD content. We delivered a fully customized solution. It is seamlessly integrated with the customer’s external e-commerce module” – states Przemysław Frasunek, CEO at Redge Technologies.

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